
The Distinction Between A Temporary Job And A Permanent Job In Canada

There are two sorts of Canadian job offers that an employer can make. Here’s the difference between temporary & permanent job offers in Canada. A permanent job offer may be a Canadian employment offer that’s made for an indeterminate period. Individuals can only start working once they obtain a Canadian Immigration Visa.  

A temporary employment offer may be a Canadian offer made for a selected period, i.e., six months or one year. In most cases, applicants can only start working after they need to obtain a Temporary Work Permit(TRP). 

Job seekers in Canada must grasp the distinctions between temporary and permanent job offers to form well-informed judgments and facilitate seamless integration into the Canadian professional environment.

Difference Between A Temporary Job And A Permanent Job In Canada

Understanding the Terminology

  1. Canadian Job Offer

There are essentially two sorts of job offers that a Canadian employer can make: a temporary job offer and a permanent job offer. A permanent job offer signifies continuous employment without a specified end date, providing stability in one’s professional trajectory.

Temporary vs Permanent Job Offers in Canada 

In contrast, a temporary  job offer is bound by a selected duration, starting from a couple of months to a couple of years, concluding on a predetermined end date. Individuals can only begin working after receiving short-lived working papers (TRP).

  1. Visa Implications

Canada Work Visa Difference

Attaining a permanent job offer necessitates an immigration visa, typically a Permanent Resident visa, granting the privilege of indefinite work and residency in Canada.

Difference Between PR Visa and working papers

Conversely, a TRP is required for temporary job offers, tailoring to the job’s nature and duration.

  1. Application & Processing Times

Temporary vs Permanent Job Offers in Canada

The processing duration for permanent job offers is often extensive, stretching over several years contingent on the immigration program and individual circumstances.

Canada Work Visa Difference

On the other hand, TRP applications are generally expedited and often processed within 60 days for submissions made outside Canada.

  1. Working papers Limitations

Difference Between PR Visa and working papers

Individuals with permanent job offers face no constraints on changing employers or relocating within Canada after obtaining permanent residency.

Canadian Job Offer 

Contrarily, the scope of temporary  working papers is confined to the precise employer and site outlined within the permit. Changing employers often necessitates a replacement TRP application.

  1. Path to Permanent Residency

Temporary vs Permanent Job Offers in Canada

Securing a permanent job offer may yield additional points within the Express Entry system, heightening the likelihood of obtaining permanent residency.

Canadian Job Offer

While a temporary job offer can function as a stepping stone to permanent residency through avenues like Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs), it typically involves meeting additional criteria.

Benefits Of A Permanent Job Offer

  1. Candidates who secure a permanent employment offer supported by a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) gain a significant edge in the CRS under the Canadian Express Entry framework. This benefit is equivalent to an extra 50 or 200 points, depending on the type of position that is being provided.
  2. In particular, employment offers linked to NOC codes that start with 00, which denote positions in senior management, are worth 200 points. On the other hand, under the CRS, all other job offers that fall under NOC categories 0, 1, 2, or 3 are worth 50 points.
  3. Canada uses the Comprehensive Ranking System to rank applicants for skilled worker immigration via the Express Entry route. While the accumulation of CRS bonus points by a candidate does not guarantee an invitation to apply for permanent residence, it significantly enhances the likelihood of receiving an ITA in future Express Entry pool draws.
  4. The ability to live and work anywhere in Canada is one of the many benefits of obtaining permanent status.
  5. In addition, after meeting the three-year residency requirement, permanent residents can apply for Canadian citizenship and sponsor family members for permanent residency. Therefore, receiving a suitable employment offer improves CRS standings and creates opportunities for long-term residency and assimilation into Canadian society.

Benefits Of A Temporary Job Offer

  1. Initiating the method of obtaining a temporary work permit (TRP) begins with securing an employment offer. Choosing a work permit is the swiftest pathway to enter Canada and commence employment. The IRCC has established a typical time interval of 60 days for working paper applications submitted from outside Canada.
  2. Furthermore, an interesting advantage for working paper holders in Canada is the potential for her Canadian employer to increase a permanent full-time job offer. This new job offer qualifies as “arranged employment” under the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP).
  3. Possessing a legitimate job offer from a Canadian company is the definition of “arranged employment,” and its important ramifications for FSWP eligibility. Arranged employment influences the allocation of points under the Federal trained worker Program (FSWP) selection factors, contributing an extra 15 points to the overall CRS score.
  4. Essentially, getting an employment offer not only opens doors for getting a short lived work permit(TWP), but it can also be a calculated step toward becoming a permanent resident of Canada by way of the Federal trained worker Program, improving CRS standings and eligibility.



In conclusion, navigating the intricacies of job offers in Canada is vital for those aiming to join the country’s diverse workforce and pursue opportunities for permanent residency. The Canadian job landscape presents individuals with the choice between temporary and permanent job offers, each with its distinct implications and pathways. Understanding the difference between temporary and permanent job offers is crucial for creating informed decisions aligned with both career and immigration goals. A Canadian job offer, whether temporary or permanent, opens doors to a wealth of opportunities, but each comes with its own set of considerations. Whether you decide on a short lived working paper as a stepping stone or choose a permanent job offer under Express Entry, Canada’s flexible immigration policies cater to a variety of goals, fostering a welcoming environment for international talent. In essence, the choice between temporary and permanent job offers in Canada isn’t almost employment but about shaping your future in a country that values diversity, talent, and thus the contributions of individuals from around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)s

  1. Can a short lived job offer cause permanent residency in Canada?

Ans : Yes, a short lived job offer can function as a stepping stone to permanent residency through pathways like Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs).

  1. How long does it take to process short lived working papers (TRP) in Canada?

Ans : TRP applications are generally processed within 60 days for submissions made outside Canada.

  1. Is it possible to vary employers with a permanent job offer in Canada?

Ans : Yes, individuals with permanent job offers haven’t any constraints on changing employers or relocating within Canada after obtaining permanent residency.

  1. What points are awarded for a permanent job offer in Express Entry?

Ans : Candidates with job offers with NOC codes beginning with 00 receive 200 points, while other NOC TEER categories 0, 1, 2, or 3 get 50 points.

  1. How are you able to apply for both a temporary work permit and permanent residency in Canada simultaneously?

Ans : Canada allows dual intent, enabling individuals to pursue both temporary and permanent residency options simultaneously.

  1. What role does a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) play during a permanent job offer?

Ans : A positive LMIA supports a permanent job offer under Express Entry, contributing additional points to the CRS.


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